WEED-IT Precision Spraying

Beyond Accurate

Save up to 95% on chemicals

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25 years experience Fluorescense detection Precision Spraying We save 30 mil herbicide per year Pulse Width Modulation 25 years experience Fluorescense detection Precision Spraying We save 30 mil herbicide per year Pulse Width Modulation 25 years experience Fluorescense detection Precision Spraying We save 30 mil herbicide per year Pulse Width Modulation 25 years experience Fluorescense detection Precision Spraying We save 30 mil herbicide per year Pulse Width Modulation

Beyond accurate

Discover true precision, spray less and save more with WEED-IT’s precision spraying solution. 

Through 25 years of experience we have set the standard for precision spraying. We offer the fastest, most accurate and most easy to use weed detection and elimination technology based on chlorophyll fluorescence. By developing new technology that merges data, hardware, software and practical experience we bring the next generation of precision spraying that goes Beyond Accurate. With our dedicated team, local partners and worldwide network of dealers, we offer tailor-made solutions for any field and any farmer. This allows you anywhere, anytime, to manage your plants and crops Beyond Accurate.

Maximised savings, minimised footprint

With WEED-IT, you use up to 95% fewer crop protection products. You save on costs while minimising environmental impact.

Perfect for various crops

Benefit from a wealth of crop protection and precision spraying possibilities for broadacre, specialty crops and orchards.

Multiple spraying modes

By integrating detection and PWM technology, WEED-IT covers all your spraying needs with multiple spraying modes. All year round.

Custom made per climate zone

We calibrate your system specifically to your climatic and agronomic needs. For foolproof detection and beyond accurate precision.

Right fit with your spraying platform

No matter what type or brand of spraying platform you have, we make our system compatible and ready to go. OEM and retrofit.

Trusted by leading companies all over the world

Our technology

Finding the right spraying technology for your farm can be quite challenging. Especially if you want your new sprayer to do more than just broadcast spraying and/or spot spraying. Thanks to its unique chlorophyll fluorescence properties and ultrafast PWM technology up to 100 Hz, WEED-IT QUADRO is the only precision spraying system that can turn your ground glider, trailed sprayer, self-propelled or robotic sprayer into an all-purpose sprayer! Whether now or in the future, with WEED-IT QUADRO your sprayer is always fit for purpose. That’s what we call the Power of Fluorescence.

More about our technology

The WEED-IT system

Quadro sensor

The WEED-IT detection sensors are detecting active chlorophyll by using fluorescence. The sensors are connected by cable harnesses with the power converter and can be extended up to 48 sensors.

Solenoid valves

To hit the targets precisely and accurately, WEED-IT uses very vast solenoid valves. This short opening window in combination with the 25 centimeters spacing in between them, results in a very small spray footprint.

per sensor 

Power Converter

To minimize the cabling in the system the WEED-IT system is using 48 Volt, which is created by this power converter. It is the central unit connecting all parts of the WEED-IT system.

Speed sensor

To make sure the target is hitted spot on, the operation speed is very critical. WEED-IT can use several speed inputs.


Pressure sensor

To measure the operating pressure in the spray line a pressure sensor is installed. This value is shown on the user interface and will give an alarm if it is below a set value. 

Flow sensor

The flow sensor measure the fluid going through the system, with this sensor WEED-IT is capable of calculating the savings of the system.

User Console

To view and control the WEED-IT system the user console is installed in the cabine of the machine. This user interface shows feedback of the performance of the WEED-IT system and can be used to operate the machine. 

ISOBUS ECU (optional)

With this optional ISOBUS ECU WEED-IT can be connected to the ISOBUS system when available on the sprayer with all advantages ISOBUS has to offer.  

Series of detection sensors, each with four detection channels

Four solenoid valves per sensor

Power Converter (PSU)

Speed sensor

Pressure sensor

Flow sensor

Quadro User Console


Interested in our system?

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Fits on every spraying platform

Are you looking for an easy-to-use, foolproof and reliable precision spot spraying system? A system trusted by thousands of farmers worldwide with a quick return on investment? Then you should definitely consider WEED-IT. No matter the type and brand of sprayer you own or aim to purchase, WEED-IT is compatible and can be (retro) fitted to your needs. We’ve fitted it to ground gliders, trailed sprayers, mounted sprayers, self-propelled sprayers, orchard sprayers and even quads and fully autonomous sprayers all over the world.

You name it, we’ve built it.

Ground glider precision spraying
Ground gliders & trailed sprayers
precision spraying orchards
Orchard sprayers
Quad precision spraying
Self-propelled sprayers
Toolbar precision spraying
Mounted sprayers

WEED-IT: The only precision spraying system that covers all your needs with multiple spraying modes 

What if you could broadcast spray, spot spray plants and weeds and use any desired combination of these with just one sprayer? What if you could simultaneously apply crop protection products and map weeds or plants? Look no further, WEED-IT QUADRO has got you covered throughout the whole growing season!

Spot spraying

Detecting, spotting individual weed plants and precisely apply herbicide on top of the plant is what every WEED-IT system sold since 1999 is capable of. We target individual weed plants and row crop plants and that’s not even all!

Dual spraying

What happens when you combine WEED-ITs cover and spot spraying modes? Exactly, it enables you to broadcast spray a field or crop and target individual weeds in one single pass with only one spray line! Check out how WEED-IT does it.

Cover Spraying

In cover mode any WEED-IT equipped sprayer is capable of doing everything a normal broadcast sprayer does and more. Such as PWM individually controlled nozzles and curve compensation. WEED-IT has got you covered.


With our new Spot-in-Crop solution, you’re all settled and equipped to detect and eliminate weeds and volunteer plants in row crops such as cotton, maize/corn and soybeans. And you don’t need camera detection or AI to do so.

Your perfect system for broadacre, row crops and specialty crops

WEED-IT’s multiple standard spray modes offer extensive crop protection and precision spraying opportunities. Regardless of the location of your farm(s) and fields. The clever and sophisticated combination of the three spray modes enables optimal crop protection. In any climate zone and in every type of crop. WEED-IT QUADRO simply is the perfect system for your broadacre crops, your row crops and your specialty crops. Now and in the future!


Myring Farms is saving 85% under tough conditions.

“Myring Farms is growing legumes, millets, chick peas, wheat, barley and sorghum on around 2,000 hectares. Since early 2016 we are a user of WEED-IT and have sprayed some 10,000 hectares using the equipped toolbar. We mainly use the WEED-IT system to frequently spray for Feathertop grass and other tough weeds and to spray fungicides. Because of the dust and extreme dry air, correct and adequate positioning of the spray is a higher priority than savings. Nonentheless, 85% savings are reached under these circumstances.”

Sold and serviced by Croplands

Myring Farms bespaart 85% onder moeilijke omstandigheden.

“Myring Farms teelt peulvruchten, gierst, kikkererwten, tarwe, gerst en sorghum op ongeveer 2.000 hectare. Sinds begin 2016 zijn we gebruiker van WEED-IT en hebben we zo’n 10.000 hectare bespoten met behulp van de uitgeruste spuitboom. We gebruiken het WEED-IT systeem voornamelijk om regelmatig te spuiten tegen Feathertop gras en andere taaie onkruiden en om fungiciden te spuiten. Vanwege het stof en de extreem droge lucht is een juiste en adequate positionering van de bespuiting een hogere prioriteit dan besparingen. Desondanks wordt onder deze omstandigheden een besparing van 85% bereikt.”Verkocht en onderhouden door Croplands

“Het is de tool waarmee we bepaalde onkruiden op bepaalde momenten kunnen aanpakken.”

“Het betekent dat we niet meteen het veld in hoeven. WEED-IT geeft ons de flexibiliteit om het spuiten even uit te stellen en het onkruid op de beste momenten aan te pakken. WEED-IT maakt het mogelijk om velden strategisch te beheren bij de bestrijding van duinriet. We richten ons niet op algemene toepassingen, maar op meer strategische mengsels met verschillende chemicaliën.”

Verkocht en onderhouden door Croplands Australië.

“It’s the tool we use with our customers to target specific weeds at specific times.”

“It means we don’t have to be on the paddock immediately. WEED-IT provides flexibility to hold off spraying for a short period and target the weeds at ideal times. WEED-IT allows us to strategically manage paddocks when controlling Feathertop grass. We don’t look at blanket applications, instead we look at more strategic mixes with different chemistries.”

Sold and serviced by Croplands Australia.

WEED-IT Quadro is the tool NSW family needs for modern farming.

“I used just 25 litres of chemical spot-spraying, compared to 1000 litres if I had sprayed it conventionally. There are huge savings to be made.”


WEED-IT Quadro is het gereedschap dat het gezin NSW nodig heeft voor de moderne landbouw.

“Ik heb slechts 25 liter chemische spot-spray gebruikt, vergeleken met 1000 liter als ik het conventioneel had gespoten. Er zijn enorme besparingen mogelijk.”


“We’re very happy with the results!”

“Before using WEED-IT, speeds of around 36 km/h were common. However, in comparison with driving a WEED-IT system at 17 km/h under these conditions, the total spraying time was equal for the same paddock size. This due to a lower number of refill moments when using WEED-IT. Currently, we use 10% of the chemical of what we would normally use doing a blanket spray. In less than a year we sprayed 24,000 hectares on our paddocks using WEED-IT.”

Gleeson Farms’ WEED-IT system is sold and serviced by Croplands Australia.

“We zijn erg blij met de resultaten!”

“Voordat WEED-IT werd gebruikt, waren snelheden van rond de 36 km/u gebruikelijk. In vergelijking met het rijden met een WEED-IT systeem met 17 km/u onder deze omstandigheden, was de totale spuittijd echter gelijk voor dezelfde perceelgrootte. Dit komt door een lager aantal bijvulmomenten bij het gebruik van WEED-IT. Op dit moment gebruiken we 10% van de chemicaliën die we normaal zouden gebruiken voor een volvelds bespuiting. In minder dan een jaar hebben we 24.000 hectare van onze percelen bespoten met WEED-IT. “Het WEED-IT systeem van Gleeson Farms, verkocht en onderhouden door Croplands Australia.

“Tackling weeds with minimal environmental harm”

Haydon Wass with a cropping property in Nyngan, NSW was looking for a solution to tackle problem weeds.

“The money we are saving isn’t our main goal”, says Haydon. “We’re also looking at it from an environmental point of view. The less chemicals going out, the better.”

“Onkruid bestrijden met minimale milieuschade” Haydon Wass met een akkerbouwbedrijf in Nyngan, NSW was op zoek naar een oplossing om onkruid aan te pakken. “Het geld dat we besparen is niet ons hoofddoel”, zegt Haydon. “We bekijken het ook vanuit milieuoogpunt. Hoe minder chemicaliën we gebruiken, hoe beter.”

Consistent focus on quality

Our commitment to being beyond accurate begins with our in-house development, engineering, and production processes. By maintaining complete control over every aspect of manufacturing, we ensure unwavering quality at every step.

Our state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated team of experts make sure that every step of the process is thoroughly executed to deliver the highest standards in weed management technology. With our deep-rooted expertise and our in-house approach, we consistently innovate, pushing boundaries to keep our product at the forefront of the market. This continuous pursuit of excellence keeps WEED-IT undefeated in performance, reliability, and effectiveness.

Experience the difference that true dedication to quality makes with WEED-IT.

WEED-IT around the globe

WEED-IT, powered by Rometron, has been a trusted solution for farmers worldwide for over 25 years. Renowned for its precision and reliability, it continues to support sustainable farming across the globe.


Rometron and Croplands announce transition of WEED-IT distribution in Canada

Rometron and Croplands announce transition of WEED-IT distribution in Canada

“Green on green is reality”

“Green on green is reality”

WEED-IT can potentially save Canadian farmers money

WEED-IT can potentially save Canadian farmers money